当前位置:查字典教程网 >编程开发 >C#教程 >分享用于操作FTP的客户端C#类


using System; using System.Net; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Threading; namespace DotNet.Utilities { public class FTPClient { public static object obj = new object(); #region 构造函数 /// <summary> /// 缺省构造函数 /// </summary> public FTPClient() { strRemoteHost = ""; strRemotePath = ""; strRemoteUser = ""; strRemotePass = ""; strRemotePort = 21; bConnected = false; } /// <summary> /// 构造函数 /// </summary> public FTPClient(string remoteHost, string remotePath, string remoteUser, string remotePass, int remotePort) { strRemoteHost = remoteHost; strRemotePath = remotePath; strRemoteUser = remoteUser; strRemotePass = remotePass; strRemotePort = remotePort; Connect(); } #endregion #region 字段 private int strRemotePort; private Boolean bConnected; private string strRemoteHost; private string strRemotePass; private string strRemoteUser; private string strRemotePath; /// <summary> /// 服务器返回的应答信息(包含应答码) /// </summary> private string strMsg; /// <summary> /// 服务器返回的应答信息(包含应答码) /// </summary> private string strReply; /// <summary> /// 服务器返回的应答码 /// </summary> private int iReplyCode; /// <summary> /// 进行控制连接的socket /// </summary> private Socket socketControl; /// <summary> /// 传输模式 /// </summary> private TransferType trType; /// <summary> /// 接收和发送数据的缓冲区 /// </summary> private static int BLOCK_SIZE = 512; /// <summary> /// 编码方式 /// </summary> Encoding ASCII = Encoding.ASCII; /// <summary> /// 字节数组 /// </summary> Byte[] buffer = new Byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; #endregion #region 属性 /// <summary> /// FTP服务器IP地址 /// </summary> public string RemoteHost { get { return strRemoteHost; } set { strRemoteHost = value; } } /// <summary> /// FTP服务器端口 /// </summary> public int RemotePort { get { return strRemotePort; } set { strRemotePort = value; } } /// <summary> /// 当前服务器目录 /// </summary> public string RemotePath { get { return strRemotePath; } set { strRemotePath = value; } } /// <summary> /// 登录用户账号 /// </summary> public string RemoteUser { set { strRemoteUser = value; } } /// <summary> /// 用户登录密码 /// </summary> public string RemotePass { set { strRemotePass = value; } } /// <summary> /// 是否登录 /// </summary> public bool Connected { get { return bConnected; } } #endregion #region 链接 /// <summary> /// 建立连接 /// </summary> public void Connect() { lock (obj) { socketControl = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(RemoteHost), strRemotePort); try { socketControl.Connect(ep); } catch (Exception) { throw new IOException("不能连接ftp服务器"); } } ReadReply(); if (iReplyCode != 220) { DisConnect(); throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } SendCommand("USER " + strRemoteUser); if (!(iReplyCode == 331 || iReplyCode == 230)) { CloseSocketConnect(); throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } if (iReplyCode != 230) { SendCommand("PASS " + strRemotePass); if (!(iReplyCode == 230 || iReplyCode == 202)) { CloseSocketConnect(); throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } } bConnected = true; ChDir(strRemotePath); } /// <summary> /// 关闭连接 /// </summary> public void DisConnect() { if (socketControl != null) { SendCommand("QUIT"); } CloseSocketConnect(); } #endregion #region 传输模式 /// <summary> /// 传输模式:二进制类型、ASCII类型 /// </summary> public enum TransferType { Binary, ASCII }; /// <summary> /// 设置传输模式 /// </summary> /// <param name="ttType">传输模式</param> public void SetTransferType(TransferType ttType) { if (ttType == TransferType.Binary) { SendCommand("TYPE I");//binary类型传输 } else { SendCommand("TYPE A");//ASCII类型传输 } if (iReplyCode != 200) { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } else { trType = ttType; } } /// <summary> /// 获得传输模式 /// </summary> /// <returns>传输模式</returns> public TransferType GetTransferType() { return trType; } #endregion #region 文件操作 /// <summary> /// 获得文件列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="strMask">文件名的匹配字符串</param> public string[] Dir(string strMask) { if (!bConnected) { Connect(); } Socket socketData = CreateDataSocket(); SendCommand("NLST " + strMask); if (!(iReplyCode == 150 || iReplyCode == 125 || iReplyCode == 226)) { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } strMsg = ""; Thread.Sleep(2000); while (true) { int iBytes = socketData.Receive(buffer, buffer.Length, 0); strMsg += ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, iBytes); if (iBytes < buffer.Length) { break; } } char[] seperator = { 'n' }; string[] strsFileList = strMsg.Split(seperator); socketData.Close(); //数据socket关闭时也会有返回码 if (iReplyCode != 226) { ReadReply(); if (iReplyCode != 226) { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } } return strsFileList; } public void newPutByGuid(string strFileName, string strGuid) { if (!bConnected) { Connect(); } string str = strFileName.Substring(0, strFileName.LastIndexOf("")); string strTypeName = strFileName.Substring(strFileName.LastIndexOf(".")); strGuid = str + "" + strGuid; Socket socketData = CreateDataSocket(); SendCommand("STOR " + Path.GetFileName(strGuid)); if (!(iReplyCode == 125 || iReplyCode == 150)) { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } FileStream input = new FileStream(strGuid, FileMode.Open); input.Flush(); int iBytes = 0; while ((iBytes = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) { socketData.Send(buffer, iBytes, 0); } input.Close(); if (socketData.Connected) { socketData.Close(); } if (!(iReplyCode == 226 || iReplyCode == 250)) { ReadReply(); if (!(iReplyCode == 226 || iReplyCode == 250)) { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } } } /// <summary> /// 获取文件大小 /// </summary> /// <param name="strFileName">文件名</param> /// <returns>文件大小</returns> public long GetFileSize(string strFileName) { if (!bConnected) { Connect(); } SendCommand("SIZE " + Path.GetFileName(strFileName)); long lSize = 0; if (iReplyCode == 213) { lSize = Int64.Parse(strReply.Substring(4)); } else { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } return lSize; } /// <summary> /// 获取文件信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="strFileName">文件名</param> /// <returns>文件大小</returns> public string GetFileInfo(string strFileName) { if (!bConnected) { Connect(); } Socket socketData = CreateDataSocket(); SendCommand("LIST " + strFileName); string strResult = ""; if (!(iReplyCode == 150 || iReplyCode == 125 || iReplyCode == 226 || iReplyCode == 250)) { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } byte[] b = new byte[512]; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); while (true) { int iBytes = socketData.Receive(b, b.Length, 0); ms.Write(b, 0, iBytes); if (iBytes <= 0) { break; } } byte[] bt = ms.GetBuffer(); strResult = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bt); ms.Close(); return strResult; } /// <summary> /// 删除 /// </summary> /// <param name="strFileName">待删除文件名</param> public void Delete(string strFileName) { if (!bConnected) { Connect(); } SendCommand("DELE " + strFileName); if (iReplyCode != 250) { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } } /// <summary> /// 重命名(如果新文件名与已有文件重名,将覆盖已有文件) /// </summary> /// <param name="strOldFileName">旧文件名</param> /// <param name="strNewFileName">新文件名</param> public void Rename(string strOldFileName, string strNewFileName) { if (!bConnected) { Connect(); } SendCommand("RNFR " + strOldFileName); if (iReplyCode != 350) { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } // 如果新文件名与原有文件重名,将覆盖原有文件 SendCommand("RNTO " + strNewFileName); if (iReplyCode != 250) { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } } #endregion #region 上传和下载 /// <summary> /// 下载一批文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="strFileNameMask">文件名的匹配字符串</param> /// <param name="strFolder">本地目录(不得以结束)</param> public void Get(string strFileNameMask, string strFolder) { if (!bConnected) { Connect(); } string[] strFiles = Dir(strFileNameMask); foreach (string strFile in strFiles) { if (!strFile.Equals(""))//一般来说strFiles的最后一个元素可能是空字符串 { Get(strFile, strFolder, strFile); } } } /// <summary> /// 下载一个文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="strRemoteFileName">要下载的文件名</param> /// <param name="strFolder">本地目录(不得以结束)</param> /// <param name="strLocalFileName">保存在本地时的文件名</param> public void Get(string strRemoteFileName, string strFolder, string strLocalFileName) { Socket socketData = CreateDataSocket(); try { if (!bConnected) { Connect(); } SetTransferType(TransferType.Binary); if (strLocalFileName.Equals("")) { strLocalFileName = strRemoteFileName; } SendCommand("RETR " + strRemoteFileName); if (!(iReplyCode == 150 || iReplyCode == 125 || iReplyCode == 226 || iReplyCode == 250)) { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } FileStream output = new FileStream(strFolder + "" + strLocalFileName, FileMode.Create); while (true) { int iBytes = socketData.Receive(buffer, buffer.Length, 0); output.Write(buffer, 0, iBytes); if (iBytes <= 0) { break; } } output.Close(); if (socketData.Connected) { socketData.Close(); } if (!(iReplyCode == 226 || iReplyCode == 250)) { ReadReply(); if (!(iReplyCode == 226 || iReplyCode == 250)) { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } } } catch { socketData.Close(); socketData = null; socketControl.Close(); bConnected = false; socketControl = null; } } /// <summary> /// 下载一个文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="strRemoteFileName">要下载的文件名</param> /// <param name="strFolder">本地目录(不得以结束)</param> /// <param name="strLocalFileName">保存在本地时的文件名</param> public void GetNoBinary(string strRemoteFileName, string strFolder, string strLocalFileName) { if (!bConnected) { Connect(); } if (strLocalFileName.Equals("")) { strLocalFileName = strRemoteFileName; } Socket socketData = CreateDataSocket(); SendCommand("RETR " + strRemoteFileName); if (!(iReplyCode == 150 || iReplyCode == 125 || iReplyCode == 226 || iReplyCode == 250)) { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } FileStream output = new FileStream(strFolder + "" + strLocalFileName, FileMode.Create); while (true) { int iBytes = socketData.Receive(buffer, buffer.Length, 0); output.Write(buffer, 0, iBytes); if (iBytes <= 0) { break; } } output.Close(); if (socketData.Connected) { socketData.Close(); } if (!(iReplyCode == 226 || iReplyCode == 250)) { ReadReply(); if (!(iReplyCode == 226 || iReplyCode == 250)) { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } } } /// <summary> /// 上传一批文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="strFolder">本地目录(不得以结束)</param> /// <param name="strFileNameMask">文件名匹配字符(可以包含*和?)</param> public void Put(string strFolder, string strFileNameMask) { string[] strFiles = Directory.GetFiles(strFolder, strFileNameMask); foreach (string strFile in strFiles) { Put(strFile); } } /// <summary> /// 上传一个文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="strFileName">本地文件名</param> public void Put(string strFileName) { if (!bConnected) { Connect(); } Socket socketData = CreateDataSocket(); if (Path.GetExtension(strFileName) == "") SendCommand("STOR " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strFileName)); else SendCommand("STOR " + Path.GetFileName(strFileName)); if (!(iReplyCode == 125 || iReplyCode == 150)) { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } FileStream input = new FileStream(strFileName, FileMode.Open); int iBytes = 0; while ((iBytes = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) { socketData.Send(buffer, iBytes, 0); } input.Close(); if (socketData.Connected) { socketData.Close(); } if (!(iReplyCode == 226 || iReplyCode == 250)) { ReadReply(); if (!(iReplyCode == 226 || iReplyCode == 250)) { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } } } /// <summary> /// 上传一个文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="strFileName">本地文件名</param> public void PutByGuid(string strFileName, string strGuid) { if (!bConnected) { Connect(); } string str = strFileName.Substring(0, strFileName.LastIndexOf("")); string strTypeName = strFileName.Substring(strFileName.LastIndexOf(".")); strGuid = str + "" + strGuid; System.IO.File.Copy(strFileName, strGuid); System.IO.File.SetAttributes(strGuid, System.IO.FileAttributes.Normal); Socket socketData = CreateDataSocket(); SendCommand("STOR " + Path.GetFileName(strGuid)); if (!(iReplyCode == 125 || iReplyCode == 150)) { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } FileStream input = new FileStream(strGuid, FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read, System.IO.FileShare.Read); int iBytes = 0; while ((iBytes = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) { socketData.Send(buffer, iBytes, 0); } input.Close(); File.Delete(strGuid); if (socketData.Connected) { socketData.Close(); } if (!(iReplyCode == 226 || iReplyCode == 250)) { ReadReply(); if (!(iReplyCode == 226 || iReplyCode == 250)) { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } } } #endregion #region 目录操作 /// <summary> /// 创建目录 /// </summary> /// <param name="strDirName">目录名</param> public void MkDir(string strDirName) { if (!bConnected) { Connect(); } SendCommand("MKD " + strDirName); if (iReplyCode != 257) { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } } /// <summary> /// 删除目录 /// </summary> /// <param name="strDirName">目录名</param> public void RmDir(string strDirName) { if (!bConnected) { Connect(); } SendCommand("RMD " + strDirName); if (iReplyCode != 250) { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } } /// <summary> /// 改变目录 /// </summary> /// <param name="strDirName">新的工作目录名</param> public void ChDir(string strDirName) { if (strDirName.Equals(".") || strDirName.Equals("")) { return; } if (!bConnected) { Connect(); } SendCommand("CWD " + strDirName); if (iReplyCode != 250) { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } this.strRemotePath = strDirName; } #endregion #region 内部函数 /// <summary> /// 将一行应答字符串记录在strReply和strMsg,应答码记录在iReplyCode /// </summary> private void ReadReply() { strMsg = ""; strReply = ReadLine(); iReplyCode = Int32.Parse(strReply.Substring(0, 3)); } /// <summary> /// 建立进行数据连接的socket /// </summary> /// <returns>数据连接socket</returns> private Socket CreateDataSocket() { SendCommand("PASV"); if (iReplyCode != 227) { throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4)); } int index1 = strReply.IndexOf('('); int index2 = strReply.IndexOf(')'); string ipData = strReply.Substring(index1 + 1, index2 - index1 - 1); int[] parts = new int[6]; int len = ipData.Length; int partCount = 0; string buf = ""; for (int i = 0; i < len && partCount <= 6; i++) { char ch = Char.Parse(ipData.Substring(i, 1)); if (Char.IsDigit(ch)) buf += ch; else if (ch != ',') { throw new IOException("Malformed PASV strReply: " + strReply); } if (ch == ',' || i + 1 == len) { try { parts[partCount++] = Int32.Parse(buf); buf = ""; } catch (Exception) { throw new IOException("Malformed PASV strReply: " + strReply); } } } string ipAddress = parts[0] + "." + parts[1] + "." + parts[2] + "." + parts[3]; int port = (parts[4] << 8) + parts[5]; Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ipAddress), port); try { s.Connect(ep); } catch (Exception) { throw new IOException("无法连接ftp服务器"); } return s; } /// <summary> /// 关闭socket连接(用于登录以前) /// </summary> private void CloseSocketConnect() { lock (obj) { if (socketControl != null) { socketControl.Close(); socketControl = null; } bConnected = false; } } /// <summary> /// 读取Socket返回的所有字符串 /// </summary> /// <returns>包含应答码的字符串行</returns> private string ReadLine() { lock (obj) { while (true) { int iBytes = socketControl.Receive(buffer, buffer.Length, 0); strMsg += ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, iBytes); if (iBytes < buffer.Length) { break; } } } char[] seperator = { 'n' }; string[] mess = strMsg.Split(seperator); if (strMsg.Length > 2) { strMsg = mess[mess.Length - 2]; } else { strMsg = mess[0]; } if (!strMsg.Substring(3, 1).Equals(" ")) //返回字符串正确的是以应答码(如220开头,后面接一空格,再接问候字符串) { return ReadLine(); } return strMsg; } /// <summary> /// 发送命令并获取应答码和最后一行应答字符串 /// </summary> /// <param name="strCommand">命令</param> public void SendCommand(String strCommand) { lock (obj) { Byte[] cmdBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes((strCommand + "rn").ToCharArray()); socketControl.Send(cmdBytes, cmdBytes.Length, 0); Thread.Sleep(500); ReadReply(); } } #endregion } }


using System; using System.Net; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Net.Sockets; namespace FtpLib { public class FTPFactory { private string remoteHost, remotePath, remoteUser, remotePass, mes; private int remotePort, bytes; private Socket clientSocket; private int retValue; private Boolean debug; private Boolean logined; private string reply; private static int BLOCK_SIZE = 512; Byte[] buffer = new Byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; Encoding ASCII = Encoding.ASCII; public FTPFactory() { remoteHost = "localhost"; remotePath = "."; remoteUser = "anonymous"; remotePass = ""; remotePort = 21; debug = false; logined = false; } /// /// Set the name of the FTP server to connect to. /// /// Server name public void setRemoteHost(string remoteHost) { this.remoteHost = remoteHost; } /// /// Return the name of the current FTP server. /// /// Server name public string getRemoteHost() { return remoteHost; } /// /// Set the port number to use for FTP. /// /// Port number public void setRemotePort(int remotePort) { this.remotePort = remotePort; } /// /// Return the current port number. /// /// Current port number public int getRemotePort() { return remotePort; } /// /// Set the remote directory path. /// /// The remote directory path public void setRemotePath(string remotePath) { this.remotePath = remotePath; } /// /// Return the current remote directory path. /// /// The current remote directory path. public string getRemotePath() { return remotePath; } /// /// Set the user name to use for logging into the remote server. /// /// Username public void setRemoteUser(string remoteUser) { this.remoteUser = remoteUser; } /// /// Set the password to user for logging into the remote server. /// /// Password public void setRemotePass(string remotePass) { this.remotePass = remotePass; } /// /// Return a string array containing the remote directory's file list. /// /// /// public string[] getFileList(string mask) { if (!logined) { login(); } Socket cSocket = createDataSocket(); sendCommand("NLST " + mask); if (!(retValue == 150 || retValue == 125)) { throw new IOException(reply.Substring(4)); } mes = ""; while (true) { int bytes = cSocket.Receive(buffer, buffer.Length, 0); mes += ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, bytes); if (bytes < buffer.Length) { break; } } char[] seperator = { 'n' }; string[] mess = mes.Split(seperator); cSocket.Close(); readReply(); if (retValue != 226) { throw new IOException(reply.Substring(4)); } return mess; } /// /// Return the size of a file. /// /// /// public long getFileSize(string fileName) { if (!logined) { login(); } sendCommand("SIZE " + fileName); long size = 0; if (retValue == 213) { size = Int64.Parse(reply.Substring(4)); } else { throw new IOException(reply.Substring(4)); } return size; } /// /// Login to the remote server. /// public void login() { clientSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint(Dns.Resolve(remoteHost).AddressList[0], remotePort); try { clientSocket.Connect(ep); } catch (Exception) { throw new IOException("Couldn't connect to remote server"); } readReply(); if (retValue != 220) { close(); throw new IOException(reply.Substring(4)); } if (debug) Console.WriteLine("USER " + remoteUser); sendCommand("USER " + remoteUser); if (!(retValue == 331 || retValue == 230)) { cleanup(); throw new IOException(reply.Substring(4)); } if (retValue != 230) { if (debug) Console.WriteLine("PASS xxx"); sendCommand("PASS " + remotePass); if (!(retValue == 230 || retValue == 202)) { cleanup(); throw new IOException(reply.Substring(4)); } } logined = true; Console.WriteLine("Connected to " + remoteHost); chdir(remotePath); } /// /// If the value of mode is true, set binary mode for downloads. /// Else, set Ascii mode. /// /// public void setBinaryMode(Boolean mode) { if (mode) { sendCommand("TYPE I"); } else { sendCommand("TYPE A"); } if (retValue != 200) { throw new IOException(reply.Substring(4)); } } /// /// Download a file to the Assembly's local directory, /// keeping the same file name. /// /// public void download(string remFileName) { download(remFileName, "", false); } /// /// Download a remote file to the Assembly's local directory, /// keeping the same file name, and set the resume flag. /// /// /// public void download(string remFileName, Boolean resume) { download(remFileName, "", resume); } /// /// Download a remote file to a local file name which can include /// a path. The local file name will be created or overwritten, /// but the path must exist. /// /// /// public void download(string remFileName, string locFileName) { download(remFileName, locFileName, false); } /// /// Download a remote file to a local file name which can include /// a path, and set the resume flag. The local file name will be /// created or overwritten, but the path must exist. /// /// /// /// public void download(string remFileName, string locFileName, Boolean resume) { if (!logined) { login(); } setBinaryMode(true); Console.WriteLine("Downloading file " + remFileName + " from " + remoteHost + "/" + remotePath); if (locFileName.Equals("")) { locFileName = remFileName; } if (!File.Exists(locFileName)) { Stream st = File.Create(locFileName); st.Close(); } FileStream output = new FileStream(locFileName, FileMode.Open); Socket cSocket = createDataSocket(); long offset = 0; if (resume) { offset = output.Length; if (offset > 0) { sendCommand("REST " + offset); if (retValue != 350) { //throw new IOException(reply.Substring(4)); //Some servers may not support resuming. offset = 0; } } if (offset > 0) { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("seeking to " + offset); } long npos = output.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); Console.WriteLine("new pos=" + npos); } } sendCommand("RETR " + remFileName); if (!(retValue == 150 || retValue == 125) ) { throw new IOException(reply.Substring(4)); } while (true) { bytes = cSocket.Receive(buffer, buffer.Length, 0); output.Write(buffer, 0, bytes); if (bytes <= 0) { break; } } output.Close(); if (cSocket.Connected) { cSocket.Close(); } Console.WriteLine(""); readReply(); if (!(retValue == 226 || retValue == 250)) { throw new IOException(reply.Substring(4)); } } /// /// Upload a file. /// /// public void upload(string fileName) { upload(fileName, false); } /// /// Upload a file and set the resume flag. /// /// /// public void upload(string fileName, Boolean resume) { if (!logined) { login(); } Socket cSocket = createDataSocket(); long offset = 0; if (resume) { try { setBinaryMode(true); offset = getFileSize(fileName); } catch (Exception) { offset = 0; } } if (offset > 0) { sendCommand("REST " + offset); if (retValue != 350) { //throw new IOException(reply.Substring(4)); //Remote server may not support resuming. offset = 0; } } sendCommand("STOR " + Path.GetFileName(fileName)); if (!(retValue == 125 || retValue == 150)) { throw new IOException(reply.Substring(4)); } // open input stream to read source file FileStream input = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open); if (offset != 0) { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("seeking to " + offset); } input.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); } Console.WriteLine("Uploading file " + fileName + " to " + remotePath); while ((bytes = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) { cSocket.Send(buffer, bytes, 0); } input.Close(); Console.WriteLine(""); if (cSocket.Connected) { cSocket.Close(); } readReply(); if (!(retValue == 226 || retValue == 250)) { throw new IOException(reply.Substring(4)); } } /// /// Delete a file from the remote FTP server. /// /// public void deleteRemoteFile(string fileName) { if (!logined) { login(); } sendCommand("DELE " + fileName); if (retValue != 250) { throw new IOException(reply.Substring(4)); } } /// /// Rename a file on the remote FTP server. /// /// /// public void renameRemoteFile(string oldFileName, string newFileName) { if (!logined) { login(); } sendCommand("RNFR " + oldFileName); if (retValue != 350) { throw new IOException(reply.Substring(4)); } // known problem // rnto will not take care of existing file. // i.e. It will overwrite if newFileName exist sendCommand("RNTO " + newFileName); if (retValue != 250) { throw new IOException(reply.Substring(4)); } } /// /// Create a directory on the remote FTP server. /// /// public void mkdir(string dirName) { if (!logined) { login(); } sendCommand("MKD " + dirName); if (retValue != 257) { throw new IOException(reply.Substring(4)); } } /// /// Delete a directory on the remote FTP server. /// /// public void rmdir(string dirName) { if (!logined) { login(); } sendCommand("RMD " + dirName); if (retValue != 250) { throw new IOException(reply.Substring(4)); } } /// /// Change the current working directory on the remote FTP server. /// /// public void chdir(string dirName) { if (dirName.Equals(".")) { return; } if (!logined) { login(); } sendCommand("CWD " + dirName); if (retValue != 250) { throw new IOException(reply.Substring(4)); } this.remotePath = dirName; Console.WriteLine("Current directory is " + remotePath); } /// /// Close the FTP connection. /// public void close() { if (clientSocket != null) { sendCommand("QUIT"); } cleanup(); Console.WriteLine("Closing..."); } /// /// Set debug mode. /// /// public void setDebug(Boolean debug) { this.debug = debug; } private void readReply() { mes = ""; reply = readLine(); retValue = Int32.Parse(reply.Substring(0, 3)); } private void cleanup() { if (clientSocket != null) { clientSocket.Close(); clientSocket = null; } logined = false; } private string readLine() { while (true) { bytes = clientSocket.Receive(buffer, buffer.Length, 0); mes += ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, bytes); if (bytes < buffer.Length) { break; } } char[] seperator = { 'n' }; string[] mess = mes.Split(seperator); if (mes.Length > 2) { mes = mess[mess.Length - 2]; } else { mes = mess[0]; } if (!mes.Substring(3, 1).Equals(" ")) { return readLine(); } if (debug) { for (int k = 0; k < mess.Length - 1; k++) { Console.WriteLine(mess[k]); } } return mes; } private void sendCommand(String command) { Byte[] cmdBytes = //Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes((command + "rn").ToCharArray()); Encoding.Default.GetBytes((command + "rn").ToCharArray()); clientSocket.Send(cmdBytes, cmdBytes.Length, 0); readReply(); } private Socket createDataSocket() { sendCommand("PASV"); if (retValue != 227) { throw new IOException(reply.Substring(4)); } int index1 = reply.IndexOf('('); int index2 = reply.IndexOf(')'); string ipData = reply.Substring(index1 + 1, index2 - index1 - 1); int[] parts = new int[6]; int len = ipData.Length; int partCount = 0; string buf = ""; for (int i = 0; i < len && partCount <= 6; i++) { char ch = Char.Parse(ipData.Substring(i, 1)); if (Char.IsDigit(ch)) buf += ch; else if (ch != ',') { throw new IOException("Malformed PASV reply: " + reply); } if (ch == ',' || i + 1 == len) { try { parts[partCount++] = Int32.Parse(buf); buf = ""; } catch (Exception) { throw new IOException("Malformed PASV reply: " + reply); } } } string ipAddress = parts[0] + "." + parts[1] + "." + parts[2] + "." + parts[3]; int port = (parts[4] << 8) + parts[5]; Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint(Dns.Resolve(ipAddress).AddressList[0], port); try { s.Connect(ep); } catch (Exception) { throw new IOException("Can't connect to remote server"); } return s; } } }




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