当前位置:查字典教程网 >软件教程 >其他软件工具 >rootkit的检测工具使用介绍(chkrootkit和rootkit hunter)
rootkit的检测工具使用介绍(chkrootkit和rootkit hunter)

用了两个工具,一个chkrootkit,另外一个rootkit huntur。在使用了这两个产品后,觉得rootkit的信息更加详细一些。现在就对两个工具的操作和使用写一个记录,也方便之后自己查看。

1. chkrootkit的使用



1.1 解压安装

#tar -zxvf chkrootkit.tar.gz

#make sense

1.2 运行监测




Checking `ifconfig'... INFECTED

Checking `ls'... INFECTED

Checking `netstat'... INFECTED

Checking `ps'... INFECTED

Checking `top'... INFECTED

Searching for Madalin rootkit default files... Possible Madalin rootkit installed

Checking `bindshell'... INFECTED (PORTS: 145)

Checking `lkm'... You have 77 process hidden for readdir command

You have 77 process hidden for ps command

chkproc: Warning: Possible LKM Trojan installed

Checking `sniffer'... eth0: PROMISC



1.3 chkrootkit参数说明

Usage: ./chkrootkit [options] [test ...]


-h 显示帮助信息

-V 显示版本信息

-l 显示测试内容

-d debug模式,显示检测过程的相关指令程序

-q 安静模式,只显示有问题部分,

-x 高级模式,显示所有检测结果

-r dir 设定指定的目录为根目录

-p dir1:dir2:dirN 检测指定目录

-n 跳过NFS连接的目录

2. rootkit hunter的使用



2.1 解压安装


#tar -zxvf rkhunter-1.3.4.tar.gz


#cd rkhunter-1.3.4

#./ -h

Usage: ./ <parameters>

Ordered valid parameters:

--help (-h) : 显示帮助

--examples : 显示安装实例

--layout <value> : 选择安装模板(安装必选参数).


- default: (FHS compliant),

- /usr,

- /usr/local,

- oldschool: 之前版本安装路径,

- custom: 自定义安装路径,

- RPM: for building RPM's. Requires $RPM_BUILD_ROOT.

- DEB: for building DEB's. Requires $DEB_BUILD_ROOT.

--striproot : Strip path from custom layout (for package maintainers).

--install : 根据选择目录安装

--show : 显示安装路径

--remove : 卸载rkhunter

--version : 显示安装版本


#./ --layout default --install

2.2 rkhunter操作

#/usr/local/bin/rkhunter --propupd

#/usr/local/bin/rkhunter -c --sk --rwo

Warning: File '/bin/awk' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/basename' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/bash' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/cat' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/chmod' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/chown' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/cp' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/csh' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/cut' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/date' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/df' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/dmesg' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/echo' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/ed' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/egrep' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/env' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/fgrep' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/grep' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/kill' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/login' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/ls' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/mail' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/mktemp' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/more' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/mount' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/mv' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/netstat' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/ps' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/pwd' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/rpm' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/sed' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/sh' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/sort' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/su' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/touch' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/uname' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/gawk' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/bin/tcsh' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/usr/bin/awk' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/usr/bin/cut' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/usr/bin/env' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: The command '/usr/bin/GET' has been replaced by a script: /usr/bin/GET: perl script text executable

Warning: The command '/usr/bin/groups' has been replaced by a script: /usr/bin/groups: Bourne shell script text executable

Warning: File '/usr/bin/kill' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: The command '/usr/bin/ldd' has been replaced by a script: /usr/bin/ldd: Bourne shell script text executable

Warning: File '/usr/bin/top' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: The command '/usr/bin/whatis' has been replaced by a script: /usr/bin/whatis: Bourne shell script text executable

Warning: File '/usr/bin/gawk' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/sbin/chkconfig' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/sbin/depmod' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/sbin/fuser' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/sbin/ifconfig' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/sbin/ifdown' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: The command '/sbin/ifdown' has been replaced by a script: /sbin/ifdown: Bourne-Again shell script text executable

Warning: File '/sbin/ifup' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: The command '/sbin/ifup' has been replaced by a script: /sbin/ifup: Bourne-Again shell script text executable

Warning: File '/sbin/init' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/sbin/insmod' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/sbin/ip' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/sbin/lsmod' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/sbin/modinfo' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/sbin/modprobe' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/sbin/nologin' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/sbin/rmmod' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/sbin/runlevel' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/sbin/sulogin' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/sbin/sysctl' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/sbin/syslogd' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/usr/sbin/adduser' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: No hash value found for file '/usr/sbin/amd' in the rkhunter.dat file.

Warning: File '/usr/sbin/amd' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/usr/sbin/chroot' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/usr/sbin/groupadd' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/usr/sbin/groupdel' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/usr/sbin/groupmod' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/usr/sbin/grpck' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/usr/sbin/kudzu' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/usr/sbin/lsof' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/usr/sbin/prelink' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/usr/sbin/pwck' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/usr/sbin/sestatus' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/usr/sbin/tcpd' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/usr/sbin/useradd' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/usr/sbin/userdel' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/usr/sbin/usermod' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/usr/sbin/vipw' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: File '/usr/sbin/xinetd' has the immutable-bit set.

Warning: Dreams Rootkit [ Warning ]

File '/usr/bin/sense' found

File '/usr/bin/sl2' found

File '/usr/bin/(swapd)' found

Warning: Checking for possible rootkit strings [ Warning ]

Found string '/dev/ttyoa' in file '/bin/netstat'. Possible rootkit: Sin Rootkit

Warning: Found possible sniffer log file: /usr/lib/libice.log

Warning: Found enabled xinetd service: /etc/xinetd.d/auth

Warning: Found enabled xinetd service: /etc/xinetd.d/cups-lpd

Warning: Found enabled xinetd service: /etc/xinetd.d/swat

Warning: Found enabled xinetd service: /etc/xinetd.d/vmware-authd

Warning: Possible promiscuous interfaces:

'ifconfig' command output:

'ip' command output: eth0

Warning: Account 'test' is root equivalent (UID = 0)

Warning: Account 'james' is root equivalent (UID = 0)

Warning: Account 'master' is root equivalent (UID = 0)

Warning: Account 'admin' is root equivalent (UID = 0)

Warning: The SSH configuration option 'PermitRootLogin' has not been set.

The default value may be 'yes', to allow root access.

Warning: The SSH configuration option 'Protocol' has not been set.

The default value may be '2,1', to allow the use of protocol version 1.

Warning: Hidden file found: /usr/share/man/man1/..1.gz: gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression

Warning: Application 'exim', version '4.43', is out of date, and possibly a security risk.

Warning: Application 'gpg', version '1.2.6', is out of date, and possibly a security risk.

Warning: Application 'openssl', version '0.9.7a', is out of date, and possibly a security risk.

Warning: Application 'php', version '4.3.9', is out of date, and possibly a security risk.

One or more warnings have been found while checking the system.

Please check the log file (/var/log/rkhunter.log)


2.3 指令参数说明


Usage: rkhunter {--check | --update | --versioncheck |

--propupd [{filename | directory | package name},...] |

--list [{tests | {lang | languages} | rootkits},...] |

--version | --help} [options]

Current options are:

--append-log 在日志文件后追加日志,而不覆盖原有日志

--bindir <directory>... Use the specified command directories

-c, --check 检测当前系统

--cs2, --color-set2 Use the second color set for output

--configfile <file> 使用特定的配置文件

--cronjob 作为cron定期运行

(包含参数 -c, --sk , --nocolors )

--dbdir <directory> Use the specified database directory

--debug Debug模式(不要使用除非要求使用)

--disable <test>[,<test>...] 跳过指定检查对象(默认为无)

--display-logfile 在最后显示日志文件内容

--enable <test>[,<test>...] 对指定检测对象进行检查


--hash {MD5 | SHA1 | NONE | 使用指定的文件哈希函数

<command>} (Default is SHA1)

-h, --help 显示帮助菜单

--lang, --language <language> 指定使用的语言

(Default is English)

--list [tests | languages | 罗列测试对象明朝,使用语言,可检测的木马程序


-l, --logfile [file] 写到指定的日志文件名

(Default is /var/log/rkhunter.log)

--noappend-log 不追加日志,直接覆盖日志文件

--nocolors 输出只显示黑白两色

--nolog 不写入日志文件

--nomow, --no-mail-on-warning 如果有警告信息,不发送邮件

--ns, --nosummary 不显示检查结果的统计数据

--novl, --no-verbose-logging 不显示详细记录

--pkgmgr {RPM | DPKG | BSD | 使用特定的包管理用于文件的哈希值验证

NONE} (Default is NONE)

--propupd [file | directory | 更新整个文件属性数据库或仅仅更新指定条目


-q, --quiet 安静模式(no output at all)

--rwo, --report-warnings-only 只显示警告信息

-r, --rootdir <directory> 使用指定的root目录

--sk, --skip-keypress 自动完成所有检测,跳过键盘输入

--summary 显示检测结果的统计信息

(This is the default)

--syslog [facility.priority] 记录检测启动和结束时间到系统日志中

(Default level is authpriv.notice)

--tmpdir <directory> 使用指定的临时目录

--update 检测更新内容

--vl, --verbose-logging 使用详细日志记录 (on by default)

-V, --version 显示版本信息

--versioncheck 检测最新版本

-x, --autox 当X在使用时,自动启动检测

-X, --no-autox 当X在使用时,不自启检测

【rootkit的检测工具使用介绍(chkrootkit和rootkit hunter)】相关文章:






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